Legal Recruiting Manager
Norton Rose Fulbright
Message from Uroosa: Hi everyone, 2020 has been a year of one crazy thing after another but we’re all surviving! Keep your heads up and let’s stay engaged and connected whether it’s through zoom or virtual happy hours or our mentor circles. I’m grateful to all my friends and colleagues in WALRAA for being available as a resource when I’ve needed help and a soundboard on days where I’ve needed to vent. As cliché as it sounds, the people you meet through WALRAA actually do become your friends and professional and personal network so take advantage of this group.
1. How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
I have been in WALRAA for about 4 years at this point - My favorite part has definitely been the Educational Conferences. I was lucky enough to be on one of the planning committees for 2018 and recently attended the 2020 Educational Conference at the Wharf and found the sessions to be so insightful and relevant to the current global environment.
2. How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
WALRAA has been such an integral part of my network building and getting to know people I work with across law schools on a more personal level. It's so nice to actually show up to the monthly meetings (back when we could actually do that) and just gather round with colleagues and counterparts from other firms and law schools and engage in conversations to bounce ideas off each other. It's really helped me expand my professional and personal network in the DC area.
3. How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
I actually started my career as a temp back in 2016 when I thought I would work for a year and go to law school. Little baby me did not know the world of recruiting had so much to offer, so here I am 4 years later and not planning to leave anytime soon!
4. What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
There are so many "small" victories that occur during our day to day life as a recruiter but my favorite moment is when I meet students at outreach events and then seeing them go through the cycle of coming to our firm and getting selected as a summer and moving through the process to return as a full time associate is definitely rewarding as I find a lot of joy and pride in seeing someone make it all the way through.
5. What is it that challenges you most in your job?
Unfortunately, the world of law firm recruiting can be challenging to navigate. Sometimes there are great candidates, whether they are students or laterals that have so much to offer but we can't always accommodate them.
6. How do you balance your career and personal life?
The lines don't even exist anymore with COVID-19! Jokes aside, I do try to stay offline on weekends and devote my time to my kids and family. I think it's important to set boundaries and have learned that the world will not come crumbling down if I don't respond to every single email that comes my way seconds within arriving in my inbox.
7. What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
I have definitely become more vocal and assertive in my new role as a Manager and would like to continue to work on my professional development this year by networking more, delegating where I can and asking for help. I've always had an 'I'll just do it myself" attitude but that can get exhausting sometimes so I'm learning to let that go and build better teamworking habits.
8. What is the best professional advice you have received?
Honestly, the best advice I've gotten was that "Someone's always watching, so always do your best even if you don't think it makes a difference." I have found this to be extremely true throughout my career. There are times when it can feel as if no one cares about the work you do or recognizes the effort you've put in but time and time again, someone is always paying attention and things don't go unnoticed whether good or bad. I'm glad I always try to give my all to any and every task I get involved with. It's definitely paid off for me in the long run.
9. What do you like to do for fun?
I love to cook and dance with my two daughters - most people that know me know how much I gush over my girls so spending quality time with them is so important and they seem to have my love for dancing and eating!
10. Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
I actually just started a cooking channel on YouTube with my husband and daughter about a month ago during COVID-19 and it's been such a fun experience for all three of us. It's so much work to be a content creator for YouTube by the way, but we are all having a blast so far. If anyone is interested in any recipes - the link to our channel is included!