Legal Recruiting Manager
Dechert LLP
I've really enjoyed getting to know Laura Creque in our mentor circle virtual happy hours over the past several months and hope you will too! Laura's positive spirit despite all the challenges we're going through infuses our group with a spirit of camaraderie, and inspires us to take joy in what we can (even if it's just the ability to laugh at the fact that her son has taken up random screaming since the stay-at-home-orders went into place). Read on to learn about her path to the recruiting world, Gratitude cards, taking the chances you're offered, and find out why there's no such thing as bad weather in her words below.
1. How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
I was a member before and lapsed a year or two. This year is a new experience with everything going remote due to COVID and I've really enjoyed my mentor circle meet ups on Zoom.
2. How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
Being able to talk to peers and gauge what other firms are doing during the crisis has been a huge help. My global director appreciates that I am a member and have a sense of the DC market.
3. How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
When I joined Dechert 10 years ago I had no clue about the law firm recruiting process and was actually working in office administration/general HR. When the recruiting coordinator left the firm there wasn't a need for a full-time recruiter in DC given the size and scope of the program and I was asked to take on the minimal (at the time) duties. Since then our summer program has grown with additional recruiting responsibilities added in DC and I have been lucky enough to progress with the position.
4. What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
Our firm rolled out Gratitude cards last year and when I received one from our Chief of Talent recognizing my work and team spirit I was on cloud nine. Also, the first time I managed a Georgetown OCI hospitality suite by myself was a huge accomplishment.
5. What is it that challenges you most in your job?
Trying to balance our summer program acceptances to ensure a cross-section of schools and diversity is difficult each year, but fun. We have enjoyed increased acceptance rates in DC the last 2 years, which makes balancing offer extensions even more difficult. It will be interesting to see how our offers play out post COVID.
6. How do you balance your career and personal life?
I am very lucky to have an amazing partner in life. My husband does daycare drop off and pick up as mush as I do and understands the odd schedule of law firm recruiting/OCI. I also have a great director who allows me the flexibility to attend different school and daycare functions. I grew up with a working mom and I remember her always being at my school plays and presentations, so I try to do the same for my kids.
7. What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
This year I'd like to expand my network within WALRAA. Also, since we suspended our summer program I'm taking on projects with our Global Director of Professional Development and it's been interesting seeing that side of things.
8. What is the best professional advice you have received?
Take the chances you're offered to learn new things and if nothing is offered, ask for it. Don't pigeon-hole yourself into one tiny field because you never know how things can change and what skills or experience might be needed down the line. I've worked with many departments at our firm now, even managing the secretaries in DC at one time, and the experience I've gained is immeasurable.
9. What do you like to do for fun?
I love to walk in nature. We try to get out with the kids each weekend to some national/state/local park or trail and walk. Even in the rain! I read the book There's No Such Thing as Bad Weather when I was pregnant with my son and my husband has drunk the kool-aid. There's really no such thing as bad weather, only poor clothing, so as long as you're geared up you can walk and enjoy nature any time. Maybe not in a hurricane or tornado, but any other time! I also love to read and cook. I don't bake though, it's too precise!
10. Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
I'm obsessed with British TV and the royals but I've never been to England! It's on my bucket list, especially since my 7 year old is asking to go now too.